Contact Info
3320 Highway 27 North
Whitley City, KY 42653
- Phone:
- 606-376-5323
- Length:
- 1.1 miles
- Difficulty:
- Easy
- Time:
- 30-45 mins
- Season:
- April to October
At the time the land was purchased by the United States, the railroad town of Alpine was just completing its migration from the railroad below the highway. An old farmhouse stood in what is now the Alpine Recreation Area. After being purchased by the Federal government, the farmhouse was rented out for a number of years. The Civilian Conservation Corps replaced the old chimney on the house in the late 1930’s. That chimney, next to the picnic shelter, is all that remains of the past home.
The present shelter was built by the Job Corps in the late 1960’s, and the recreation area was constructed by workers of the Accelerated Projects Works Program. The merry-go-round, slides, and swings are all that remain of the original construction.
Exploring the woods nearby you will find evidence of old closed-up coal mines.
Additional Details:
The trail traverses a dirt pathway to the southwest before intersecting a dirt road near the old Alpine pumphouse. There the trail turns more westerly down the old roadway to the old railroad grade. The trail then meanders along the railroad grade southeast for .25 mile to Forest Road #5088, where it turns northeast along the road back, returning to the beginning of the trail.