Kentucky Map

Cumberland Cultural Heritage Highway

197.5 miles (317 km)
3 days


Traveling the Cumberland Cultural Heritage Highway is one way toexperience life away from the hustle and bustle of urban areas. Rurallandscapes, small towns, abundant lakes and rivers, and significanthistorical sites combine to make Cumberland Cultural Heritage Highwayan important part of Kentucky's byway system. Recreationalopportunities are never far away on the Cumberland Cultural HeritageHighway, which is a byway made up of different routes in SouthernKentucky.

Lake Cumberland, Dale Hollow Lake, and Green River Lake are thedominant lakes of the area, and they were originally constructed forflood control, but now they serve the public as state or resort parks.These lakes are removed from large urban areas to provide the visitorwith a sense of peacefulness. Remote and wild areas, such as the BigSouth Fork National River and Recreation Area and the Cumberland Riverdraw many visitors each year because of the excellent rafting, birding,camping, and fishing. High quality water and affordability make theselakes and the Kentucky State Park system popular sites in Kentucky.Superb fishing, powerboating, canoeing, and sailing are all availablealong the Cumberland Cultural Heritage Highway.

The Cumberland Cultural Heritage Highway is a now recreationalparadise due to its remote location and rural setting, but it was thisarea that became the site of migrations in the 1700s as settlers pushedwest for new, pristine land. They traveled through the Cumberland Gapinto Southern Kentucky and settled the area. The importance of theseearly settlers is not lost even today, as thousands of people come backto this area to trace the genealogy of their families. A uniqueculture, language patterns, architecture, clothing, and town planscreated an area which would see significant events such as Civil War battles, and an increase in mining and railroading.

Points of Interest

Points of Interest Along The Way

Battle of Mill Springs National Historic Landmark (KY)

This historic landmark is located on the northern bank of Lake Cumberland and is the site of a Civil War battle.


Northern bank of Lake Cumberland, KY

Big South Fork National Recreational and River Area (KY)

This wild national area provides an abundance of opportunities to experience outdoor activities along the Cumberland River and various trails in the area.


Daniel Boone National Forest. It crosses the KY/TN border.

Big South Fork Railroad (KY)

Historic downtown and scenic excursion train into Big South Fork.



Blue Heron Mining Site (KY)

This National Park Service interpretive site focuses on life in a coal mining camp.



Campbellsville (KY)

Campbellsville's historic downtown was established after the Revolutionary War, and it is also the site of Campbellsville University.


Campbellsville, KY

Columbia Town Center (KY)

The historic downtown center of Columbia with small shops, and nearby Lindsey Wilson College will be a charming break for the visitor.


Columbia, KY

Cumberland Falls (KY)

Cumberland Falls is the only moonbow falls in the western hemisphere.


Lake Cumberland State Resort Park, KY

Cumberland Falls State Park (KY)

This state resort park is adjacent to the National Forest and is located along the Cumberland River.


Located in the Daniel Boone National Forest off the KY90 and US27 junction traveling eastward.

Dale Hollow Resort Park (KY)

This southernmost state resort park is situated on the mysterious Dale Hollow Lake.


Located in southern KY; Dale Hollow Lake crosses into Tennessee

Green River Lake State Park (KY)

Green River Lake State Park offers great bicycling on its trail systems, as well as providing other recreational opportunities.


Between Campbellsville and Columbia east of KY55.


197.5 miles (317 km)
3 days
Main Roads:
US-127 N

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